DDW in mountain water of Bulgaria


DDW in mountain water of Bulgaria

July 10th, 2022

Mountain Water as Main Longevity Factor in Research of Phenomenon
of Longevity in Mountain Areas of Bulgaria.

In this paper are submitted data on longevity factors and mountain water in
factorial research of phenomenon of longevity in mountainous and field areas of Bulgaria. The
dependence was established among various internal and external factors on a phenomenon of
longevity – residence area, health status, gender and heredity. It was shown that water is among
the most important factors for longevity.

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Anticancer Effect of Deuterium Depleted Water – Redox Disbalance Leads to Oxidative Stress

July 8th, 2022

DDW Suppresses Growth of Cancer Cells

The DDW effect on proliferation of human breast adenocarcinoma MCF7, human lung carcinoma A549 and human colorectal adenocarcinoma HT29 cells was assessed. When the cells were grown for 48 h in DDW with deuterium concentration of 60 ppm, 80 ppm, 100 ppm, and 120 ppm and in normal water (NW, 150 ppm D) as a control, MCF7 cells responded weakly to DDW treatment, whereas HT29 cells showed a ≈20% reduction in proliferation at 100 ppm D. The A549 cells turned out to be most responsive to DDW (Fig. 2A), with 80 ppm DDW inhibiting cell proliferation by 32% (p < 0.005). Therefore, the A549 cells were selected for further proteomics studies. At both lower and higher D concentrations compared with maximum suppression, cell proliferation restored to normal levels

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